Welcome to the new Brecon Pupil Referral Unit Website
The Curriculum offer at the New Start Centre is progressive and designed to promote and facilitate reintegration into mainstream education should this be identified as an appropriate outcome.
The Curriculum for Wales has been developed to be accessible to all. The Welsh Government (WG) has identified that the planning, design, and implementation of a curriculum in PRUs and other EOTAS settings should be needs led and provide a clear progression pathway with access to a broad and balanced curriculum that is appropriate to the individual. The leadership team at Powys Pupil Referral Service (Pathways Education Centre and New Start Centre) has worked hard with staff, Management Committee members, pupils and wider stakeholders to design and develop a curriculum that is suitable for all.
This curriculum will be based around the six areas of learning experience:
*The PRUS do not offer teaching in Modern Foreign Languages
Powys Pupil Referral Service (Pathways Education Centre and New Start Centre) will continue to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, with a further level of focus on the Health and Wellbeing AoLE. This includes additional planned whole school physical activities on a weekly basis and a continued strengthening of our trauma informed work on emotional and social development and support for better mental health.
The development of literacy, numeracy and digital skills are a priority for learners at Powys Pupil Referral Service (Pathways Education Centre and New Start Centre), across all areas of learning to ensure barriers to learning are reduced.
Powys Pupil Referral Service (Pathways Education Centre and New Start Centre) has ensured the planned curriculum will facilitate the delivery of the 4 purposes of the new curriculum and ensure children and young people become:
The curriculum will also feature cross cutting themes:
The new curriculum is progressive across the year and as a small, specialist provision, our highly differentiated teaching means teachers are always aware of where learners are achieving and where more support or challenge is needed. All learners access interventions where required in literacy or numeracy.
Each AoLE has progression steps within, and a range of monitoring and assessment activities are undertaken and recorded during the year so there is clarity for all about where learners are and their next steps. Assessment activities include baseline testing as learners join us, formative marking (this includes the next steps for the learner), on going verbal feedback and dialogue with learners about next steps and summative marking/moderation at key points during the year against the progression steps.
The content, knowledge, skills and learning experiences within the new AoLEs will be reviewed throughout the year by teaching staff, supported by POWYS Improvement Partners and specialists to ensure appropriate progression and coverage is within.
Powys Pupil Referral Service (Pathways Education Centre and New Start Centre) undertakes half termly self evaluation activities, observing teaching, reviewing books and speaking to learners using both senior staff and peer to peer work to ensure engagement is positive and pace and progression (relative to the needs of our learners) is evident. This evaluative information is regularly shared with the Management Committee of Powys Pupil Referral Service.
Curriculum Summary Mid South PRU (pdf)
Learners in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) study a range of GCSE and vocational qualifications:
WJEC GCSE English Language*
WJEC GCSE Mathematics*
WJEC GCSE Numeracy*
WJEC GCSE Single Award Applied Science*
Agored Cymru Level 2 PSE (Personal and Social Education)
Agored Cymru Level 2 Work Related Education
BTEC SWEET (Personal and Social education)
LIBF Lessons in Financial Education Certificate (LIFc)
LIBF Certificate in Financial Capability and Careers Development (CeFCCD)
Entry Level are also offered in these subject areas through WJEC Pathways and are dependant on the ability of the Child.